What is the essentials you need for bridal bag on wedding day
Wedding Day Bridal Bag, or maybe several individuals call them Emergency Kits, is actually crucial to a Wedding Day. Somebody will require SOMETHING out of that bag, and those over looked things will be precisely what you are scrambling to search for when you are in need. Here is the top picks of mine which almost all Brides ought to pack in their wedding day bridal bag.
bridal bag essential
- Phone charger
Lord knows someone’s phone is going to die, and by the end of the evening, you may need a quick charge so you will need a portable charger and it’s amazing when you can’t plug your phone into a wall.
- Contact solution/Eyedrops
For the moments when you want to take your contacts out if they’re being annoying or need some extra moisture for those beautiful eyes of yours
- Safety pins
Safety pins are quick and easy fixes to minor mishaps
- Oil absorbing wipes
You’re going to be having a blast out of the dance floor and these bad boys will come in handy to wipe just the moisture off your face while leaving your beautiful makeup in tact!
- Tide-to-Go Pen
Tide-to-Go Pens are perfect for small stains, especially if it’s still in the morning and pictures aren’t even close to be finished
- Chalk
Chalk is perfect if the Bride’s dress someone gets a stain, because it will help cover up that stain enough and make it less noticable
- Tissues
These are pretty self explanatory, right? Someone needs to be on tissue patrol. There will be a mom or grandma who asks for them throughout the day, and even the Bride will need one at some point during the day.
- Band-aids (both stick and peel and liquid)
If you didn’t break in your wedding shoes, you’ll want those peel and stick for your feet. You’ll want the liquid band-aids if you have a cut somewhere visible that the camera can see
- Tampons
THESE are self explanatory
- Deodorant
- Toothbrush/paste
You may want to freshen up before makeup goes on
- Snack
Granola bars are GREAT snacks that are easy to eat after you’re dressed. They’re not messy, so you don’t have to worry about spilling anything on your dress or getting stains before you even walk down the aisle
- Q-tips
These are PERFECT to easy makeup mishaps, or that occasional ear itch. I can’t be the only one to get those, right?
- Lotion
Sticky legs is the last thing you want when you’re wearing a heavy dress
- Perfume
I bought a special perfume that was in a pretty bottle that photographed well. Now I wear that special perfume for special dates and the aroma brings back all the feel good memories from our wedding day
- Makeup (CHAPSTICK)
Extra mascara, powder, lipstick or chapstick is a must for that bag.
- Printed out Timeline
Give the printed out timeline to the Maid of Honor so if someone has a question about where they need to be somewhere and what time they need to be there, they can ask your wingman, and she’ll take care of any issues.
- Printed out Family Formal Shots WITH a Pen (for Maid of Honor to keep track to make sure your most important family photos are taken the day of your wedding)
This is something that I forgot to pack in my bag and we missed ONE shot. I do not have a shot with my side of the family and Josh in the photo. If I would had printed out that family list, we wouldn’t had missed that shot!
- Mini Sewing Kit
You never know when a button on a Groomsmen’s jacket could pop off. That mini sewing kit will come in handy for instances like that
- Tweezers/Nail clippers/Nail file
A wild hair, broken nail, rough edge, you’ll need any of these three items to fix minor issues
- Medicine
Tylenol, Alive, Excedrin and Anti-diarrheal – whatever your go to headache cure is! Tums for the nerves
- Lint roller
If you have dogs, hair follows you EVERYWHERE! You can thank me later for that lint roller
- Extra earring backs
You truly lose those in the most awful times
- Gum
To chew BEFORE photos, NOT DURING! – Your photographer will thank you later
I hope you find this list helpful when packing your Wedding Day Bridal Bag! If you can think of any others that I may have left out that proved to be life savers for you, leave them in the comments for other Brides to see!