
I am so happy that you came and visited My website! I hope you find some wonderful inspiration here and take a peek into my life as a destination and dallas wedding photographer!

Destination & Dallas - Fort worth wedding photographer


Full-time destination & Dallas-Fort worth wedding photographer, Based in Irving, Texas. I am from DR Congo - Kinshasa in Central Africa, shooting more than 50 weddings a year and have shot a lot of weddings spanning the globe as destination wedding photographers, I specialize in modern documentary and film wedding photography. I travel worldwide to document lifetime memories in a modern, romantic, and elegant way. My passion is creating delicately beautiful images that tell stories. I try to immortalize the heart of these once in a lifetime occasions.

See My Work

“Photography for me is not looking, it’s feeling. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures.”



“He was the epitome of patience with us! We had a few setbacks in our quest to get ready and he handled everything in stride. The pictures are stunning and he did a fantastic job of capturing everything, from detail shots to candid photos of our guests. I would highly recommend him to any bride-to-be
The Best wedding photographer”


Miriam and Max I Irving wedding Photographer

Beautiful Wedding in Irving, Texas

Vicky and Daniel I Texas wedding Photographer

A Wedding in Glen rose, Texas

Rebecca & Steve I Dallas - Fort worth wedding Photographer

Trinity Park Fort worth wedding

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“I don't take photos but I create memories in modern, romantic, and elegant way”

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Dallas Wedding Photographer

The GRACE Pictures

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